By GurrolaPlumbing

Plumbing Valves


Ball Valve

A valve which uses a perforated and pivoting ball to open and close. Typically, it’s the most common valve installed on water supply systems. This full-opening valve has no restriction allowing for the full flow.


Pressure Reducing Valve

Usually installed on a water supply system to lower psi. A pressure reducing valve maintains a desired maximum temperature. This is done to prevent damage to any pieces of equipment caused from too high of a psi.


Check Valve

A one-way valve allowing water to flow in one direction but restricting movement in the other direction.


Gate Valve

Not to be confused with the globe valve, a gate valve is a full way valve that remains either fully open or fully closed. Not used as much today because these tend to break easily. Not suitable for installation on anything that requires frequent opening and closing.


Globe Valve

A globe valve allows you to adjust the flow of water to any rate between fully open and fully closed


Backwater Valve

Same idea as the check valve. Has a flapper on the inside allowing for your sewer to drain while protecting your home from any nasty sewer drainage coming up the drains in your home.