San Jacinto Water Softener Services

Quality water softener installation services in the San Jacinto, Ca area!

How important to you is the quality of water inside your home?


A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that their water is clean just because it’s inside your home. WRONG. Unless you have a water filter or better, a water softening system inside your house, then your water would be considered “hard.” Which just means your water is a lot less clean than it can be.

So what is “Hard’ water and why is it bad?

Hard water is NOT a health hazard but can still cause problems due to the high mineral content (in contrast with soft water). Problems that can result from this include:

  • Clogged pores and dry hair

  • Faded Clothes.

  • Frequent Plumbing Repairs

  • Stained Sinks and Bathtubs

    • Hard to clean residue, greenish limescale deposit and rust colored stains are all signs of possible hard water

  • Weird tasting tap water

    • Usually has a metallic taste due to the excessiveness of minerals. You might also be experiencing a moldy / muddy taste.

If you happen to be experiencing one or more of these issues call us now!

What Maintenance Do Water Softeners Need?

Check the salt level regularly. Actually, you should only really need to refill your water softener’s brine tank (which is where the salt goes) every two months. However it’s still a good idea to check more frequently than that. Open the brine tank lid every now and again to ensure the salt is wet and covered in water,